Program Type:
WorkshopProgram Description
Event Details
Part 1: Aquatic Invasive Plants
Have you ever had trouble getting in the water at a shoreline because it had a thick bed of plants when only a few years before it was open? Have you seen cattails become buried and disappear under tall grasses? These issues may be caused by aquatic invasive plants. Why are invasive plants a concern? What can you do about it? Join Elizabeth Whitmore-Stolar from NYS DEC and the Lake Champlain Basin Program as she discusses aquatic invasive plants that are threatening our region, how to identify them, and what to do if you find them.
Part 2: Aquatic Invasive Animals will be on April 19, 2025 from 2-3pm. Please see the Library Events Calendar for more information.
This event is co-sponsored by Lake Champlain Basin Program: Home and the NEIWPCC.