Interview for U.S. Government/Clearance
Stories, songs, puppets, and movement activities for children ages 3-5 and their caregiver. Siblings welcome. No sign up required.
This memoir writing group is open to authors of all experience levels.
Kids in grades K-6 are invited to join us for our weekly free art program. Enjoy a different open-ended art project each week featuring a variety of art styles and materials. No sign up required.
This free, 5-part ukulele class is for kids ages 7-12! Instruments provided. Must be able to attend all 5 sessions: January 6th, January 27th, February 10th, February 24th, and March 10th.
Children in Kindergarten and up are invited to come practice reading skills with Dax, a certified therapy dog. Kids will choose a book and read to the dog one-on-one during a 15 minute time slot. Dax is a great listener! Please c
Meeting to coordinate Grishkot Foundation Scholarship among Glens Falls Kiwanis Club Committee Members.
Committee meeting
Quarterly Glens Falls Kiwanis Club Foundation Meeting to discuss the 2025 Foundation Scholarship process.
Business Metting for Shire of Glenn Linn